Thursday, 10 May 2007


30th April

Business today, boring! Nick had a meeting and then we had to go and meet a couple of other guys about more stuff. Not too bad considering back in France we used to work all day everyday 5 days a week!! Just shows how much time we must have wasted as we still seem to get everything dome ok.
We got sidetracked by a jewellery manufacturer. Not commercial like the other one. This one makes exclusive designs for Chanel, Dior, Cartier etc. the guy was very nice and told us all about his families mines in Chanthaburi. We had no intention of buying anything but Nick said he would like to get something for me as it was nearly our anniversary. So an hour later we walked out with a lovely ring for me.
The girls were very patient today and did some of their new workbooks, surfed on the internet and watched some TV.
We are all looking forward to leaving BK tomorrow. Nice to come for a couple of days but great to leave.

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